Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear Reader,

I've had it. I've sat through one too many sermons that skew the Word of God so perversely that the resulting "message" causes anything from innocent visitors claiming a pseudo-salvation in attempt to get people to leave them alone to man-made Frankensteins terrorizing with truth because they haven't been taught to love. I've seen the shock-frozen eyes of the "heathen" who plugs his nose because of the spiritual stink only to receive a mouthful of HALLELUJAH when he gasps for air. And I've seen the blood-vessel-bursting rage in the eyes of the zealot ready to go cut someone's ear off in the name of the Almighty because he has been fed sour milk and really is just hungry for one -just one- well-prepared steak. And I've seen everything in between.

And frankly, it makes me sick.

Now, I don't claim to be an authority on scripture--not by any means. But I do read my Bible. And I happen to have my Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies (woohoo--everybody wants my resume). But mostly I just love the rawness of scripture.

I love that when we let it speak for itself, it has more power in it's voice than the preacher who shreds his vocal chords and sweats through shirt. It has more authority than the man who won't continue his message until he gets an "Amen". It chatsizes more than the most well-known eschatological speaker can condemn. And it changes lives more than any repeat-after-me prayer, any forced altar call, or any do-you-want-to-go-to-heaven-or-hell question.

If we let it, God's Word will rip us to pieces. And it will build us up again. When added to prayer and fasting and godly fellowship, it has the ability to create a lethal weapon. It isn't some rallying cry amplified through a megaphone boot-camping crowds to a productive life, but it's a voice spoken sternly or softly, whispered or accompanied by a slap in the face, it brings peace or repentance, joy or weeping, to nations, congregations or to an individual--but it always speaks with authority. Unwavering authority.

So that's what this is. Just an outlet to study and discuss the wonderful Word of God. To break down, to exegit, to understand. You may agree with everything; you may agree with nothing. But I would love for you to join me on this journey--to understand, without religious or cultural bias, the message of the Bible.

Just trying to get it right,

Hermeneutical Dan

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I look forward to your insight.
