Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sidenote: Ruth

So the story of Ruth is one of my favorite stories in all of scripture. It has been since I first heard it on Adventures in Odyssey. And it became even more dear to me when I finally understood the meaning of a kinsman redeemer. And everytime I hear a sermon preached on it, or I reread it in my personal studies, or I experience a new level of redemption by my gracious Savior, I grow to appreciate it and understand it more and more.

So, here is an awesome sermon relating the Boaz character in Ruth to Christ. Seriously, it's worth the 53 minutes and 42 seconds. (And the narrative and songs at the beginning were all done by people at The Church at Brook Hills--amazing!)

And, here is a phenominal sermon series about the Book of Ruth. I have listened to this series more than any other series of anything. This will change your life. I promise. Invest the time to listen to it.

And lastly, here is where you can purchase Adventures in Odyssey's Three Funerals and a Wedding, Parts I and II which is where I first fell in love with the story as a child. It's definitely in my top 5 Adventures in Odyssey Episodes of All Time (which is a pretty exclusive list!).

So, what do you think about the book of Ruth? Does it have special meaning to you? How has it affected the way you understand redemption?

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